Call 323-580-5709 Monday Oct 15, 2012 @ 6pm ET to discuss Rev. Dr. William Barber II Charge given July 11, 2012 to the 103rd Annual Convention of the NAACP Our President -CEO charged to remind us “that there are more with us, than there are against us” Why are we here this morning in this plenary and not in a workshop on voting rights? If we ever needed to vote, we sure do need to vote now! The right to vote is a right borne out of struggle-sacrifice-a gift from God of justice! Who 2600 years ago had his prophet say to every nation, “you must do justice-love mercy and walk humbly before your God” 2000 years ago had his son say “that the least of these must be at the center of public policy” 225 years since we were fractionized in that Constitution and called 3/5ths of a person 163 years since Harriet Tubman escaped slavery 3 years since Barack whose name means Praise the Lord was sworn in to be President of these United States 4 months and 11 days since the shooting of Trayvon Martin 4 months since the secret documents revealed by the National Organization on Marriage that they started the same sex marriage fight not for moral reasons but to split the black and LBGT community in order to defeat President Obama Politicians can say “elect me and I'll take your healthcare” “Elect me and I'll take your voting rights” “Elect me and I'll take your social security” “Elect me and I'll re-segregate your public schools” “Elect me and I'll ignore your poverty” and still get votes!
Rev Dr William Barber II | Annual Convention of the NAACP | Say Crisp | Need advice | talk to someone
Rev Dr William Barber II | Annual Convention of the NAACP | Say Crisp | Need advice | talk to someone