IDECLAIR IT!~ "NO-BRAINER!" Wall St. Speculator Tax: Ultimate Revenue Generator & Deficit Reducer! Sequestration: Brutal, Cruel Devastating Impact of Sequester Cuts on Women & Children #StopTheSequester! My Take on A Serious Lack of Seriousness Needed To Tackle & Conquer Our Political Landscape! Serious Times (as these) Require Serious Citizens. IDECLAIR IT!~ Life. Work. Policy & YOU. IDECLAIR MEDIA, THE IDECLAIR SHOW... REAL. RAW. RIGHT NOW... IDECLAIR IT!~ Consistent Focused Issue Engagement: Voting Rights, Womens Rights, LGBT Rights, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Worker Rights, Collective Bargaining Rights, Immigrant Rights, Gun Safety, Gun Violence Prevention, HIV/AIDS Awareness, HealthCare & Economic Security, Education, Environmental, Taxation, Banking & Trade Policies, and more. Know THE POWER OF YOUR ENGAGEMENT. IDECLAIR IT!~
Women | Family | Policy | Economic Security | Social Media
Women | Family | Policy | Economic Security | Social Media