Welcome to "Full Speech Ahead!" − the program where we look at communication in all its many facets, with an emphasis on the spoken word. Im your host, public speaking coach Milo Shapiro from www.PublicDynamics.com . My guest today: How can you pursue your dreams in life and business more fully? What keeps you from making the choices that will get you there? And are there clearly defined steps you can work out for yourself to get there? Well, prosperity coach Allison Maslan says absolutely! Well hear from the woman who changed her own life from being successful but UNhappy to being both successful and extremely satisfied with her life choices…and all it took to turn her around was running over herself with her OWN car! Sounds crazy? Not for Allison! That story and many more right after my public speaking tip of the week here on "Full Speech Ahead Note: Allson can be reached at www.MyBlastOff.com For questions or comments on this particular show, on "Full Speech Ahead!" in general, or to speak to Milo directly on any matter, you can reach him through the Contact Info link at www.IMPROVentures.com . [Milo is also the president of IMPROVentures.com , team building events and motivational speeches that use the power of improvisational games and theater. See videos and testimonials on the link above.]
dreams | goals | success | business | communication
dreams | goals | success | business | communication