You want to get "all the poop" on syfy, fantasy, thriller, and horror series & movies currently out there? Well, youve come to the right place! James Iaccino, the soon to-be-regenerated Next Doctor of Time and Space, discusses all shows that are fantastic- including this weeks CONTINUUM , LOST GIRL, BEING HUMAN, THE FOLLOWING, DALLAS, CULT, ARROW, SUPERNATURAL, VAMPIRE DIARIES, BEAUTY & BEAST, ZERO HOUR, NIKITA, TOUCH, MERLIN (2-for-1), & PRETTY LITTLE LIARS. Plus TOMORROW PEOPLE Series News!!!! So tune in and be amazed by what you hear from The Next Doctor! Rest assured, it will be way out- but fantastic and always awesome!
Arrow | Being Human | The Following | Supernatural | Vampire Diaries
Arrow | Being Human | The Following | Supernatural | Vampire Diaries