Charmaine welcomes Kate Loving Shenk to the show. Kate Loving Shenk, of, has been a practicing full time Nurse RN for 29 years, but is more left than right brain oriented. Integrating science and art has always been her emphasis, but the Prayer Prescription Series, which she is now writing, is more art than science. Kate recently left the Corporate Medical World which has been a great boost to her creativity. Her profession is in need of reform and she found working from the inside was zapping her muse. Listen in as she shares about her new book: 365 Prayer Prescriptions For Dog And Cat Lovers.Host Charmaine Hammond is the author of On Tobys Terms (Bettie Youngs Books) which is being turned into a major motion picture (see She also authored Toby The Pet Therapy Dog & His Hospital Friends, GPS Your Best Life and Toby Says Be a Buddy Not a Bully. She has developed a program for authors, Your Book As a Business, where she shares her learnings, lessons and success about the business of books.
dog | cat | animal | pet | prayer
dog | cat | animal | pet | prayer