CLEVELAND ROCKS, Right? The video of the 59 yr-pld black male bus driver delivering an uppercut to the jaw of 25 yr-old black female passenger Shidea Lane on a Cleveland public transit bus has gone viral. The hosts will discuss the reactions to the video and their implications. It seems to the host that many victims of the system of white supremacy need attention in the infirmary before they are ready to even begin counter-racist basic training and that others already on the battle-field need to report to the infirmary as well. Here are are some of the facts that were/are known to those publicly commenting: The female passenger and male driver insulted one another verbally; the female passenger spat on the drivers face and put her hands on his thoat or hit the driver then sat down; the driver parked the bus and then walked over to the passenger and delivered a closed-fisted punch to her jaw.
racism | white supremacy | Artis Hughes | Shidea Lane | black male-black female
racism | white supremacy | Artis Hughes | Shidea Lane | black male-black female