Michelle Carmela,Founder/Director of Once Upon An Eden born into a Mafia family, escaped severe abuse and human exploitation. For more than 26 years, she has helped many people leave abusive situations within organized crime.Shes helped people overcome traumas in order to find their own survival stories. Michele educates the public on human exploitation & abuses in the U.S. & what its like to grow up in organized crime. She advises organizations in their design of safe houses with consideration of the influence organized crime has on govt & lives of citizens world wide. John Hansen joins us with his very moving letter to the President.Now living in S. Caroline this Canadian has a heart for the unborn.Happily married with three grown daughters,who were all preemies John is very pro life.He found an 1854 speech of Lincolns & substituted preborn for slaves.“The doctrine of self-government is right, absolutely and eternally right, but it has no justification as here attempted. Or perhaps I should rather say that whether it has such just application depends upon whether a pre-born baby is not - or is - a person. If the pre-born boy or girl is not a person, in that case, a woman may as a matter of self-government do just what she pleases with her pre-born baby. But if her pre-born baby is a person, is it not to that extent a total destruction of self-government to say that her pre-born baby, too, shall not have the right to life? When the woman chooses for herself and in so doing deprives her pre-born son or daughter of life, that is more than self-government. It is despotism and death and self-destruction. We began by declaring that all are created equal, but now from that beginning we have sunk to the depraved declaration that a woman's choice to kill her unborn child is a sacred right of self-government. These principles cannot stand together. They are as opposite as God and Satan.”
Mafia | sex trafficking | sexual abuse | organized crime | life
Mafia | sex trafficking | sexual abuse | organized crime | life