Its haaaarrrddd being a Lame Duck President who no longer has to run for office all the time while he is governing. I mean, hes like, totally free to do whatever he really had planned all along. Any minute now, The Great and Mighty Barack Messiah is going to show them! He will. He loves you. Honest, he is trying. I mean, when his hands arent tied by all those evil corporatist right wing asslips he keeps appointing. Just when you think youve heard it all? Old "hes-better-than-Romney-what-did-you-expect-hes-only-been-in-office-5-years" outdoes his fine self. Rantalicious Truth is on the table tonight, and you wont believe your ears.
Radical | Socialist | Leftist | Obama | WWL
Radical | Socialist | Leftist | Obama | WWL