Savvy WAHMs (work at home moms) are effective money managers. Is budgeting a mystery to you — it never seems to work for you? Do you pay your bills late regularly? Do you want to SAVE money—but you can't, because you spend every dollar you make? Are you passing up the dining out, clothing, and fun you want because you just can't afford them right now? Do you wish you knew EXACTLY how to end living paycheck to paycheck — without going crazy in the process? In this episode, Ericka Young, money coach and Savvy WAHM entrepreneur will share with us 10 Reasons we "Don't Have Enough" and the key ingredients to "Having More Than Enough". Follow me on Twitter and ask us a question @TheSavvyWAHM. Connect with Ericka on Facebook: Or sign up for one of her teleclasses at Click the Events tab under Products and Services.
budgeting | work at home entrepreneur | family budget | financial planning | Ericka Young
budgeting | work at home entrepreneur | family budget | financial planning | Ericka Young