PRAYLINE ON THE SCENE, WERE WILL TO ALWAYS Preaching as clearly and as simply as possible that people must repent, and be born again. This is the primary thrust of the ministry. Preaching, teaching, and healing the sick are all part of what we are called to do. Teaching and preaching on the ‘Great Commission'. By stirring up and inspiring the Body of Christ to ‘make disciples', it is our desire to see men and women raised up to do the work of the ministry.The fresh fire from Heaven burning inside, Im releasing inside, so, receive a new anointing, my prayers for you.. "Fresh fire," says the Lord, "coming down. Im exploding it now." Receive the fire of the Lord. Its coming now, its coming down. Fresh fire, fresh fire is raining down. Lift up your hands. "Receive the fresh fire for the nations," says the Lord. Fresh fire. Just coming, fresh fire. A new fire for the nations. "Im sending you fire," says the Lord. "A fresh new fire is coming down. Im giving you my heart for the nations, the fresh fire for the nations.” “"Oh, receive it right now," says the Lord. A fresh fire, a brand new fire. Holy Ghost fire is yours right now. Prophets and apostles who speak today represent and carry out the Lord's will as they lead His children in this dispensation. APOSTLE SIMS Travels to nations and cities to address key churches and events to stimulate spiritual transformation through prayer, personal transformation and evangelism for church growthLet loose your fire, God. Let loose the fire of the Holy Spirit right now. Right now, Lord. Send them home with fire. Fire. Fire, fire. Burn, Lord, burn, Lord, burn, Lord. Let the fire burn, yeah, Pentecost fire. And from his mouth comes, oh, the sword of the spirit, with burning fire, and his eyes are flames of fire.Oh. Hallelujah.
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