Dr. Vic Manzo from Wellness Smart Radio visits the Prime Directive Radio Show to discuss vaccines, forced medication, and the politics of healthcare. Everywhere you go, they are pushing the flu vaccine. Is it safe and effective? The medical establishment and government say it is (to the public, at least). Do doctors and pharmacies push it because they are paid a bounty for every shot they give? Why is big pharma exempt from legal liability if these vaccines are safe? What are these adjuvants found in vaccines, and what is the danger. Government intervention and control of healthcare is increasing daily. How does that infringe your rights as a patient and the rights of doctors to render appropriate treatment? When the government pays for your healthcare, it will claim the right to deny certain treatments and mandate others. The dangerous Gardasil vaccine is already mandatory in some jurisdictions. In a free society, it should be strictly a decision between doctor, patient, and parent. There is a war on alternative treatments and dietary supplements. Codex Alimentarius is just a start. Is this a scheme to force people onto a lifetime of prescription drugs? Have you heard about the Rockefeller medical monopoly? Call the show live and tell us what you think 310-807-5158 877-878-1431