BE NOT DECEIVED! YAH is NOT MOCKED! Whatever man sows, THAT shall he also reap! After the FLESH man can only reap CORRUPTION! Only RAISED in CONSCIENCE as TRUE unto the HOLY SPIRITS PURE TESTIMONY is there HOPE of ETERNAL LIFE! (Gal.6:6-18 .. Isaiah chapter 57) By allegiances to men oath-sworn to destruction; is any man counted wise, faithful, confirmed steadfast unto eternal life? What does it really men to pray and petition the Most High for favor unto HIS salvation? If men truly discerned beyond the mass hysteria the mass illusion that is exalted and extolled right before their eyes, they would be shocked at how so many souls for ages have been bribed and blinded to swear allegiances to surreptitious forces wittingly or otherwise intent unto their own and even all peoples damnation! For such is are the wiley schemes of the adversary since the banishing of man from the Garden Paradise that was Eden! That a world be restored to that ancient Peace, there must come a global change of mind and heart! LEARN again to LOVE YAH MY PEOPLE! LEARN AGAIN to LOVE YAH! For many through the ages have never known how they were beguiled to have trusted and loved the heart of many devils! See also these blessed articles ... CHURCH ORIGIN, FOUR EARLY CENTURIES OF GREAT TRIBULATION, THOUGHTS and AFTER-THOUGHTS on CONTRA-DICTION vs. DICTION, RAPTURE DEBUNKED, ENOCH EXCERPT, BACCHUS CONNECTION