Memphis,Tenn is in the mist of a national holiday.Its the Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. national birthday-day of service.We are the only city in the United States that has two holidays for a unelected American citizen.April 4th 2013 will be Dr.Kings memorial observance,here in Memphis.Since his holiday became law in 2000 where all 50 states observe his legacy. I promised myself that this would be a holiday for me as well.I want to have a show commemorating his birth and his history from a Memphis prospective.Some of the clips I am playing tonight have not been heard since 1968. So,please join me as this nation celebrates Dr.Kings holiday and the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama. I will not be taking calls,tonight and the chat room is limited to discourage racist troll remarks.We as a people have a remarkable journey facing us.And its going to take all of us to fore fill the dream.Freedom is Gods gift but we must earn the right "to be free".Many will ask what is real freedom ? Can we really be free,or is it a figment of our imagination. Thank you,for being a listener/chat room and caller of "The Perry Steele Show.I could not do this by myself,and I will always appreciate the love and support my listeners and supporters have given me.Currently we have over 8.750 hits for this month. This is our show,and if you feel that,you want to, host a show one night,Let me know and Ill let you,be the host.Ill just sit back and answer the phones.All you have to do is have a conversation that will make the phones ring.That invitation gos out to a select crew. MY FOLKS