As many of you know today was the first “National Gun Appreciation Day”, WE The People of the USA marched on our perspective State Capitols in protest of recent aggressions against the our 2nd Amendment, our right to keep and bare arms, and to support the gun stores and manufacturers. This is one of the most important amendments we have to maintain our freedom, and protect us against a tyrannical government. Today Ellen and Pat went to Harrisburg, the state Capital of PA, and interviewed some of the people gathered there. They also went to local gun stores and are hoping to do a live interview from one while we are on the air tonight, and we invite you to call in with your stories if you went to your Capitol REMEMBER: The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution as ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear "arms" shall not be infringed. WE, The PEOPLE of the USA, the country not the corporation, hereby declare to any and all who wish to confiscate our guns, WE WILL NOT COMPLY!