Self-sabotage nullifies your efforts and expectations, robs you of opportunities and erodes your credibility. Perhaps worse is that it validates your own worst inner beliefs that youre not worthy or success or joy. So why do we do sabotage ourselves? Is it just because we feel were unworthy or is there more to it than that? More importantly, how do we rectify the problem without years of therapy (which some of you have no-doubt already done?) Well, I bet you wont be too surprised to know that I have an answer for those questions, that it will involve tapping. Youre right. You can easily Tap Away Self-Sabotage! Join us for this LIVE broadcast on Thursday, January 17th at 10am Pacific time (1pm Eastern) and learn how to turn around your own destructive behavior with a very cool technique. Its amazingly quick and easy. Just log in from right here, or dial in from any phone to: 347- 215-6833. By calling in you can ask questions or even work live with me by "raising your hand". See you then ... or if you cant make the live show, listen afterwards on my media page at PS Please leave us feedback on iTunes by using this link;