with Laurie Taylor of FlashPoint “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson begs the question: What lies within YOU? When it comes to your business, are you a Builder? Or are you a Protector? Are you adopting the mindset that says: I can do anything I put my mind to – I embrace risk – I look for new opportunities – I know that change is inevitable and I will welcome change with open arms. If so, you are taking on a Builder Mindset that is so critical when it comes to running a business. On the flip side, do you have more of a Protector Mindset? Do you shy away from risk – are you cautious about growth – do you tend to slow things down – are you hesitant to embrace change? The good news is YOU NEED BOTH to run a successful business. However, you need to understand when to pull out the Builder Mindset and when to pull out the Protector Mindset to help you balance the Confidence/Caution ratio critical for growing a business. Join us as Laurie Taylor, a business growth specialist, speaker and trainer walks us through how to utilize these two concepts as you create a financial approach to growing your business in 2013. Laurie will talk about how understanding the financial basics: cash flow management, profit planning and tracking critical success indicators – all depend upon what your business mindset is, how you THINK about your business every day.