They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words isn't always enough. We think a picture can say more than that. Photography can be a powerful tool for communication, and when done correctly, it can be a critical part of any public relations or marketing campaign. You don't have to be an expert to take advantage of photography as a marketing tool. With the right apps and a little dedication, you'll turn the mundane into a work of art, and you'll leave a lasting impression on your audience. Even in the world of Photoshop editing, there is truth in photography that can't be found in any other medium. And there's an added bonus! Recording milestones and day-to-day activity makes for added interest on your new Facebook timeline. So go on, click your heart out. Read more...
Life | Business | Money | Steven Kay | goals dreams plans success passion
Life | Business | Money | Steven Kay | goals dreams plans success passion