Ouestion: Dr. Kaba, 1. What led you to pursue learning so much about our history, and eventually specializing in early childhood education? 2. Why do you think a large portion of our Black population in the U.S. lacks an understanding of our history and/or why dont more of us take an active part in seeking this information? 3. What research have you come across which proves the importance of a people knowing their cultural & historical background? 4. In knowing that we have such an extensive & long history, many of our people who want to get started can feel intimidated, or just not know where to begin; where would you recommend a person begin as it relates to embarking on this learning quest? 5. How should we approach teaching our children? Is it as hard as it seems, or as hard as the western educational institutions try to portray? 6. Why did you decide to take part in the series Hidden Colors? Do you plan on doing any further documentaries, or are you working on any right now? Question: Dr. Varmah 1. What is the Holy Qubtic Church & what place in history does it hold as it relates to religion & Blacks in the Diaspora? 2. Were Ancient Africans pagans before Judaism & Christianity? 3. Do you think its important that we as a people return to our original ways of worship & religious practices? 4. This word Atonism, or atonement, what is it? And why havent too many people heard of it, though it is in the bible? 5. Whats your understanding of the origins of the Bible? Are there books that were taken out of the bible? 6. What other works do you have going on here in the u.s or other places?