Boy if you hang around white people long enough,youll learn something.Today I learn that the 2nd Amendment is tied to slavery.When whites talk about the government taking their guns,it was because in 1750 the southern states had slave patrols,which were militias. Their mission was to stop slave uprisings,with armed citizens.Little do any of these liberty wanting citizens know that that law is a slave owners law. You need to hear,this information which proves the constitution had components to preserve slavery.Now Black Americans are in this fight,because this amendment was to preserve slavery.Such as the Jim Crow laws and the three fifths rule when it came to voting. Get ready folks this is going to be a hot one.Should we as freed Americans support the 2nd amendment which was designed to preserve slavery,or demand it be taken out of the constitution. When the Black American says this country,is designed against him,all he has to do is lead you to the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment. President Obama would be right to make an executive order against this amendment and ask congress to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Just when you thought you were not in this fight,this comes up.No Black American can endorse this amendment,even if slavery was abolished,the words still mean the same.