I met this young lady a few years ago and she has really impressed me with her knowledge of politics. This is not my strong suit but she talks in such a way that makes me want to hear more about right wingers and left wingers. Bryanta Maxwell...who is this politically motivating diva? And, our second guest is using the media to really spread the good news of the gospel. She is the founder of joy105.com Joy105.com is a Christian/Inspirational online magazine. Their purpose is to create a place for us as believers in the Body of Christ that is not second class to any of the other sites on the internet. Their readers come and read the latest in news, find out what's happening in the Christian community, learn more about our health and our wealth while being inspired by Gospel/Christian music. Their mission is to be a bridge for those that God is calling to the forefront as the voices to lead His people!!!
Bryanta Maxwell | Walter Sims | politics | Obama 2012 | motivation
Bryanta Maxwell | Walter Sims | politics | Obama 2012 | motivation