What does the Sandy Hook, CT massacre tell the world about America and Americans in 2012? My opinion...The Sandy Hook, CT massacre of Friday, December 14, 2012 is a reflection of the dying principles and values of America and Americans. On that day, I was attending my fathers funeral. My father was a Veteran. He has joined his fellow Veterans at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, FL. In my fathers last year, we frequently spoke about the decline of America and of American values. My father would frequently say, "What Happened to America?", "This is not the America I grew-up in". He would compare America to the Fall of Rome. My father would have said dont blame the Sandy Hook massacre on the guns. Blame the declining values of Americans for this massacre. I agree. America is dying right in front of us - not because of guns, but because of a total decline of the American principles and values that founded our country. America is no longer "One Nation Under God". "In God We Trust" is being removed from our currency. God and faith have been banned from the pubic square and public schools. Failure of the public school system The "Me-Me" Syndrome. Americans value personal fame & fortune over principles and human life. Many "for profit" books will be written about this event. This American will not promote greed by purchasing any book. Murder is glorified and promoted for profit via TV, games, movies, news media, etc. Legal drugs harming children Failure of mental healthcare system. "Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." President George Washington