When it comes to your health, awareness is everything. The more information you have, the more youre able to prevent disease and foster total health. What do you know about diabetes: Gestational, Juvenile, Type I, Type II and LADA? Did you even know that there were that many? Well there is still another Diabetes that few talk about called Diabetes insipidus; most people get this disorder because of a head injury or a stroke. Everyone should know his/her medical IQ and if you find that it is low, do something positive about it. I would like to help you raise your medical IQ. You can get some of the basics listening to my RadioTalkBlog at 4pm on Thursdays and use resources like the YouTube videos connected through the URLs below. http://youtu.be/sF5XtmWHrdk http://youtu.be/xnyfElxkBlI http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0">
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