Again, we would like to extend our condolences and a prayer for the families of the victims in the Mass Shooting in Newtown Connecticut, along with anyone that has experienced a violent crime in their family. MarshallTalk will be addressing the issue of Gun Control in the United States. Marshall the Host of MarshallTalk said "It is absolutely sad to keep hearing these gruesome stories about senseless gun violence. However, I am really touched by the fact that we have gotten to a point that anyone would consider massacring 6 and 7 year olds." Marshall believes we have to do something, even though he supports the Constitutional Right to bear arms, he believes we also have a Constitutional Right to deal with these issues in a common sense manner. We have changed our lives in so many ways because of incidents that happen; however, we are lead to believe we cant do anything about Gun violence. What do you think? Join in on the conversation, whether you agree with Marshall or not.
gun control | gun rights | mass shooting | money in politics | fun violence
gun control | gun rights | mass shooting | money in politics | fun violence