Jan and Adriana will be talking about the upcoming shift of 12.21.12 – what it means to us and to you and how it relates to Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Codependence. Many teachers are promoting themselves as the latest guru; saying the right words, surrounding themselves with the right trappings, offering the latest “shaman medicinal plant” to help you achieve enlightenment. These spiritual teachers let people worship them instead of teaching people how to embody their own light. Both of us agree it is critical to use healthy discernment during this time of excitement and buzz – trusting your inner voice and your heart to show you what is real and stop chasing the next shiny object. We will be sharing stories and ideas with you, and we encourage you to call and talk with us about your experiences during this powerful time in our lives. Each Monday at 12noon PST/3pm EST, our host, Jan Revell, and her guests bring you insights and ideas to help you grow in your Soul path. Jan offers intuitive and Angel readings, visualizations and meditations to connect with your Spirit Guide(s), your power animals, and insights given to her by Spirit. Jans guests are experts in spirituality, money and finances, intimacy and much more. Be sure to join Jan each Monday as we explore all these areas! Check us out at www.purposetalkradio.com and join the conversations on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/383388928378659/
Spirituality | Spiritual Dependency | meditation | gurus | angel readings
Spirituality | Spiritual Dependency | meditation | gurus | angel readings