Marshall is really looking to get himself in trouble with todays show. Marshall will be talking about Women finding the right man with 10 suggestions, while keeping it real at the same time. Marshall the Host of MarshallTalk said "I hear it over and over again there are not any good men left, men dont communicate, men are dogs, etc., etc., etc. Well Ladies in many cases it is all true, but it is also true in many cases you should look at yourself in the mirror and realize maybe you are the problem, and maybe you can be labeled the exact same way you label men." Marshall knows that men also have lots of work that needs to be done, however he is focusing exclusively on women today. What do you think? Join in on the conversation, whether you agree with Marshall or not. Marshall cover the 10 suggestions in detail, however you can check out the show blog press release at for more details. Make sure you share the link with your friends and family, or just about anyone that is looking for a good man.
romance | relationships | dating | love | women
romance | relationships | dating | love | women