Energy flows from us to the world, as we are all connected!!! Change yourself Change the World. In this weekly radio show you will receive free DNA changes bring you from the 3rd dimension 5th dimension of knowing and being able to live connected with your higher truth for yourself and your world. You may call in and receive healing or listen later to receive healing, as is is there for you any time you listen to it. continue reading for more information on what happens here. Receive this activation for free..The “Sun Disc Dial” is an activation which enables you to move through the current Earth's changes with greater ease and grace. This activation accelerates the evolution of your DNA to the new crystalline levels associated and in sync with Gaia's evolution from a 3D planet to a 5D planet and beyond. As stated in the Spiritual Library, this activation increases your DNA, bringing it up to the 12th dimension. Lord Metatron assists me in during this activation. For me, after I was given this one activation, I received a message the very next morning from Source aka Creator of All That Is, at 4:00am waking me up telling me to start writing my book. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I have major grammar and writing challenges. I have tried to write my book for the last 8 years and have been unsuccessful. Now, just a few months later, I have almost finished my book; “Learning to Listen to God”. see my website for more information, Private session and advanced classes to clear you, Get in your power.. Live the life you deserve and live in a world you are proud of.
Free healing | DNA | Free Sacred Activations | world peace | theta healing
Free healing | DNA | Free Sacred Activations | world peace | theta healing