Nikota777 Emergency Episode Tools to Assist Nikota is a wayshower/ Lightworker/ Energy Healer she is an intuitive on her own journey that assist others when it is needed. Right now so many are going through the shift and are really feeling the energies, feeling lost, confused, sad, do not know what to do or where to go for assistance then listen in and let me give you the tools to cope and make things a little easier. MIni readings will be available, She is Lemurian/Starseed works with the crystals angel cards and much more. So many are awakening and feeling confused, the signs are there and she will explain so much to you on an earthly aspect. Ask a question on chat or ring in and she will explain in a way that you will understand what is occuring. She is just a vessel working with the divine so how about taking a step forward and let the fear go and start to release and listen within and allow love and joy within your heart and soul. Aho! http://WWW.LIGHTWORKERNIKOTA777.COM
Self Help Meditation | Energy Vibrations | Lightbody Brigade | Mini Readings | Protection
Self Help Meditation | Energy Vibrations | Lightbody Brigade | Mini Readings | Protection