Discussions about broadband and economic development often focus on actions taken after a community launches its network. However, even during broadband planning, right of way (ROW) issues can greatly influence a networks role as an economic engine. Galen Updike, Broadband Development Manager at the Arizona Department of Administration, is one of over 36 industry influencers attending a special roundtable in D.C. on broadbands economic impact. He describes for listeners details about Arizonas creative approach to developing ROW policies that accelerate broadband deployments. Updike joins host Craig Settles in Washington where these ROW and other policies ideas will be compiled into a national knowledgebase to benefit communities broadband efforts. Our Gigabit Nation audience gets a sneak preview of that knowledgebase.
ecnomic development | broadband | right of way | local government | strategy
ecnomic development | broadband | right of way | local government | strategy