Food Police: Parsippany has been in the news many times recently. This time it is for banning selling icecream during school hours. Where does this come from?Parsippany has a federally mandated school lunch program and the law is "7CFR 210.11 and NJAC 2:36-1:10 that makes it very clear that any type of food sale fundraising done by their PTAs or any other school organization cannot be conducted during the hours when our school nutrition program is in operation. Free Speech Parental Rights Commentators Mark Falzon Cris Coleman
doreen finkle | mark Falzon | youthforindependence | campusteapartiescomblog | teapartystudents
doreen finkle | mark Falzon | youthforindependence | campusteapartiescomblog | teapartystudents