Its the holiday season and your Mistress/Mister is home alone while you are chillin with your family. You told her/him that you were "unhappy at home",and he/she has told you that they will "wait" while your fix your "situation", but we all know that its easier said than done. Well now its the holiday season and he/she wants to know why they have to be alone while you are with a person that you claim "makes you unhappy"? Damnit Lets Talk! Why Mister/Mistress? Why stay in a relationship with the wrong person just for the sake of having someone, to make you happy sometimes? We are all looking to love and be loved, but what about your self respect? At what point is "sharing a lover" the right thing to do? And we have a letter from a listener who ! After faking the love for decades this Sista is now ready to "blow up her spot"and abandon her marriage! What the frackanackle!?!?! Join us tonight by phone, by internet, and by blog, as we welcome our new host "Eleanor Cookie Burke-Waters" and discuss your Mistress/Mister, your man, your cheating @$$ and more on Damnit Lets Talk!
mistress relationship happiness cheating | respect love peace hate sex lies | man woman oprah obama sex | unhappy holiday crying pillow talk | letter listener sharing abandoned
mistress relationship happiness cheating | respect love peace hate sex lies | man woman oprah obama sex | unhappy holiday crying pillow talk | letter listener sharing abandoned